Approaching landscape from multiple perspectives
Our Structure
The Foundation has been structured to welcome participation and expertise from a variety of professions and disciplines.
The Foundation has five Directors; Catherin Bull AM, Linda Corkery, Noel Corkery, Chris Champion and Kieran Power.
Four Directors have been national presidents of their respective professional organisations.
The Constitution of the Foundation allows for two additional directors and their appointment will further strengthen the governance base and capacity of the Foundation to achieve its purpose.
Our People
The Directors of the Foundation are recognised professionals who bring their combined experience in professional practice, business management, academia and not-for-profit governance.
Catherin Bull, Linda Corkery and Noel Corkery are Fellows of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, and each has served as National President of AILA and at State level.
Chris Champion is a Fellow, past National President and Chair of Engineers Australia, past President of the International Federation of Municipal Engineering, and former CEO of the Institute of Public Works Engineering.
Kieran Power is Senior Principal - Sustainability and Climate Change at Nation Partners in Melbourne.
Funding Sources
To implement the activities and programs of the Foundation, funding will be generated through a combination of:
Donations of funds and bequests from individuals and organisations
Business partnerships
Financial grants obtained from private and public funding organisations
Special events.
The Donors listed below have generously supported the establishment of the Foundation during its first two years.
Founding Partners
These donors have generously committed to contribute $10,000 or more annually for a minimum period of 3 years.
Street Furniture Australia
Principal Donors
These donors have generously contributed $10,000 or more to the Foundation.
Landscape Solutions + Habitat Solutions
Jacinta McCann & Joe Brown
Fitzgerald Frisby Landscape Architecture
If you or your organisation are interested in receiving more information about becoming a financial supporter of the Foundation, please email: info@landscapefoundation.org.au
Supporting Donors
These donors have generously contributed between $5,000 and $9,999 to the Foundation.
Catherin Bull
Noel Corkery
Linda Corkery
Chris Champion
Bruce Mackenzie Landscape Architect
These donors have generously contributed between $1,000 and $4,999 to the Foundation.
Ann & Philip Baigent
Alan Chenoweth
What We Will Support
Funding research that generates and disseminates knowledge to inform sound decision making about landscapes and natural environments in and around cities and towns
Funding scholarships for students whose studies focus on Australian urban landscapes and natural environments.
Supporting communication and education programs that inform and inspire people to engage with projects that benefit their local environments. -
Community Impact
Assisting community groups to undertake projects that protect and restore urban landscapes and natural environments through funding and professional advice.
Assessing the impact of all these activities in achieving the goals of the Foundation.