Focused on human-nature interactions within the landscapes of Australian cities and towns.
Our Mission
We will fund research, scholarships and fellowships, and community-based projects focused on creative and sustainable landscape planning, design and management that halts biodiversity loss, mitigates climate change impacts, restores ecological systems and contributes to community health and wellbeing.
We seek to partner with Indigenous-led organisations to gain knowledge of ‘caring for country’ approaches that align with and respect deeply held knowledge and strong cultural relationships to the landscape and all its inhabitants.
Our Plan
We aim to collaborate with other organisations that share our vision and are involved in activities that support the sustainable management of natural environments that occur in the urban landscapes of Australian cities and towns.
Our Strategic Plan for 2023 -2027 is available by clicking here
In its initial stage, by mid-2022, the Foundation had:
⊳ Been incorporated by ASIC, registered as a charity and its governance structure established⊳ Prepared an initial Strategic Plan, supported by a Business Plan, to be reviewed annually
⊳ Identified and briefed potential supporters
⊳ Started working with interested business partners and individual sponsors to define scholarship procedures, research directions, and/or community projects
⊳ Commenced collaboration with other like-minded organisations, including the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), the Restoration Decade Alliance, Planting Seeds and the Landscape Architecture Foundation (USA).
By the end of 2023, the Foundation will:
⊳ Award the first LFA Fellowship to an early career professional
⊳ Establish Working Groups to progress specific programs and projects
⊳ Implement a Funding Plan to generate on-going revenue for its activities
⊳ Establish the Landscape Performance Case Studies Program to research the performance of completed projects
⊳ Establish community-based projects that engage qualified volunteers working on a pro bono basis
⊳ Implement a Communications Plan to actively engage supporters, partners and associated organisations.
In the following years, the Foundation will:
⊳ Continue to expand our activities and regularly review progress in achieving the goals of the Strategic Plan
⊳ Progressively strengthen collaboration with other organisations and groups including Indigenous-led organisations
⊳ Award annual Fellowships to early career professionals
⊳ Continue to fund and manage the Landscape Performance Case Studies program
⊳ Engage staff to administer, monitor and report on activities and programs, as funding becomes available
⊳ Appoint two additional Directors to strengthen the capacity of the Foundation to continue to grow and achieve our purpose.