Applications for the 2025 LFA Fellowship Program now open!

The Foundation invites applications from early- to mid-career professionals seeking to advance their expertise, explore/extend leading best practice, test innovative ideas, engage with experts, and position themselves for ongoing leadership.

Fellowships of $10,000 each will be awarded to individuals working in a landscape and/or environmental field. The recipients will undertake a year-long research activity or special project that aligns with the Foundation’s focus: protecting, restoring, creating and sustainably managing urban landscapes as vital green infrastructure, within the general fields of:

  • landscape planning, design and management

  • urban and regional strategic environmental planning

  • environmental engineering, natural asset management

  • environmental sciences, eg. urban ecology, soil science, ecosystems restoration

  • biodiversity restoration and sustainable management

  • social sciences, particularly related to community health, wellbeing and resilience.

And, YES! We welcome applicants from fields other than those listed above who have an innovative proposal that aligns with LFA’s purpose.

Need more information? You can contact us at to discuss your ideas before preparing an application.

We look forward to receiving your applications by
4pm AEDT Monday, 24 March 2025.

Cover image: 2024 LFA Fellow Michael White is developing a field guide and toolkit that includes multi-spectral image capture to assess plant performance.

As a not-for-profit organisation, LFA depends entirely on donations to fund its activities. Your support is greatly appreciated.
You can make your contribution through our
Donate page. Thank you!


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